Admission Services

  • US MD/DO Primary Application Editing

    Unlimited rounds of high-quality editing on your Personal Statement and up to 15 of your activities.

    Comprehensive explanations from talented MD Students with admissions and editing experience on how to modify your application to make it more appealing.

    Seamlessly transitions between asynchronous and real-time editing with the editor.

    Starting at 300* USD

  • US Secondary Application Editing

    Unlimited rounds of high-quality editing for at least 5 schools.

    Comprehensive explanations from talented MD students with admissions and editing experience on how to modify your application to make it more appealing.

    Seamlessly transitions between asynchronous and real-time editing with the editor.

    Starting at 15$/1000 characters

  • Canada MD Application Editing

    Unlimited rounds of high-quality editing for your OMSAS or OAS applications.

    Comprehensive explanations from talented MD students with admissions and editing experience on how to modify your application to make it more appealing.

    Seamlessly transitions between asynchronous and real-time editing with the editor.

    Starting at 80*USD

  • Canadian Medical School Essay Editing

    Unlimited rounds of high-quality editing on your Canadian Medical School essay.

    Comprehensive explanations from talented MD Students with admissions and editing experience on how to modify your application to make it more appealing.

    Seamlessly transitions between asynchronous and real-time editing with the editor.


  • USA/CAD Interview Preparation

    Sessions focused on the principle of medical ethics and their applications in the interview process.

    Promote your understanding of the medical student mindset.

    Help you understand how to make your answers stand out.

    Live one-on-one mock interviews in your intended style.
