Raif Haddad: Sciences Tutor & Programming specialist

Academic History:

I am Raif Haddad, a graduate of McGill University with a major in Anatomy and Cell Biology, with a focus on Neuroscience. My academic journey yielded an overall GPA of 3.9, and I secured an MCAT score of 514 (130/124/130/130).

Mcat Journey:

Like you, I was introduced to the MCAT a couple of years ago. Being passionate about health care, I aspired to perform exceptionally well on my MCAT. Initially, it was challenging as on my diagnostic exam I scored 487 (122/119/125/121), and achieving my 510+ goal seemed almost impossible. However, I realized that success on the MCAT requires time and dedication, not an overnight effort. Through celebrating small victories, prioritizing mental well-being, and maintaining high motivation, I gradually improved my score to 514 between May 7th and Sep 2nd of 2022.

At Premedmentors.ca I am responsible for student’s schedules/programming and the science section tutoring with over a year of experience I have helped a large number of student reach their potential on the MCAT.

George Obri : Chem/Physics Section Tutor

Academic History:

I'm George, a graduate of Concordia University with a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry in June 2023, achieving a 3.95 GPA. I started tutoring in 2019 back in my college in since then I have become a self-employed tutor, covering subjects like General Chemistry, Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Biostatistics in private and group sessions.

MCAT Journey: 

Despite an initial C/P section score of 122, I didn’t let myself get demotivated and pushed myself to improve to 128 on my first attempt and eventually reached a score of 131 on the following attempt!. Scoring 130+ on any MCAT section is achievable with confidence, dedication, practice, tips, and tricks. At Premedmentors, I work very closely with Raif in guiding our students to reach their fullest potential and enhance their scores in the Chemical and Physical Sections of the MCAT.

Savannah Camps: MCAT Science Tutor

Academic History

I am Savannah Camps, a graduate of Queen’s University’s Life Sciences (Honours) Program with a focus on biomedical physiology. As a 2024 graduate, I secured an overall 4.0 GPA and a 513 MCAT score (130/126/129/128) in August 2022 on my first attempt.

CARS Journey

As a dual citizen of the USA and Canada, navigating two different application cycles was a daunting prospect. However, I knew that the foundation for my success would begin with the MCAT exam, and I dedicated nearly four months between my second and third years of university to exam preparation. When I began studying, I had to learn several subjects individually that I had not yet taken at Queen’s, including biochemistry. I understood that the MCAT was a marathon, not a sprint, and so I devised a comprehensive study plan that incorporated dedicated time for concept reviews, flashcards, practice problems, and full-length exams that also balanced my outside commitments such as work and volunteering.

My dedication and commitment to my dream of being a physician kept me consistent and motivated, and I improved my score 13+ points between May 1 st and August 27 th , 2022. I have extensive experience in science tutoring, especially chemistry, and with Premedmentors.ca, I am excited to combine my expertise and experience to help you succeed on the MCAT, the first step towards becoming a physician.

Alex Vassiliadis: MCAT CARS Tutor

Academic History:

I am Alex Vassiliadis and I graduated from Trent University (Ontario, Canada) with a B.Sc in Biomedical Sciences with a cGPA of 3.85.

Mcat Journey:

I took my MCAT twice where I was able to improve from a 513 to a 514, but my biggest improvement was my CARS score where I went from a 126 (72nd percentile) to a 129 (95th percentile). I attribute my success to my strong study habits and a deep understanding of effective CARS approaches. Having experienced the struggles firsthand, I recognize the difficulty of improving in this section. However, my journey, coupled with my tutoring experience, has equipped me with the knowledge and insight to guide others in reaching their full CARS potential.

If you're grappling with the challenges of the CARS section or aiming to enhance your MCAT performance, I'm here to help. Let's work together to unlock your abilities and achieve your goals.

Shahd Haddad: MCAT Sciences Tutor

Academic History

I’m Shahd I did my Bachelor degree in Biomedical Science at the University of Ottawa with a cGPA of 3.95. I completed my Master’s in Circadian Stem Cell Biology at the University of Windsor.

MCAT and CASper Journey

I took my MCAT twice, the first time in August 2020 with a score of 502 (126 in C/P and 129 in Bio), and again in August 2021 where my score improved to 511 (129 in C/P and 129 in Bio). The main reason for this improvement is that I moved from a focus on content to a focus on strategies and practiced a lot and made sure to thoroughly review the practice tests I’ve done to learn from my mistakes. I’m looking forward to help you improve your score and reach your MCAT goals!

In regards to the CASper exam, at first time I got the 2nd quartile. With a lot of practice and certain strategies, I improved my score to the 4th quartile the second time I did it.